Selasa, 23 April 2013

Women In The Present

                At the present time a lot of women's progress. Don’t like in the past where women just sit at home and lost by a man. In the past, women after marriage is usually just a housewife. but at the present time many emerging career woman.
               Basically women have industrious nature exceed men's, therefore woman at the present can equal or more than men when working in an office, agency or in another job. Is not much, evident in one of the villages in Bogor, 6 out of 10 women are career women. 
             Movent at the present is very fast, changing times continue and create a lot of new changes. Woman turned into a figure that could exceed a man. Example can be seen in schools in jakarta. Woman at the school are getting a lot of champions in the class. In fact women can defeat the men in the lesson. 
            Actually not all like that. Maybe just 45 percent from 100 percent. But  that could be evidence that women are not the weaker. They can also be someone who is good at more than a man. Indonesian has ever had a woman president. it can also be evidence that women could surpass men.
            So, in the present indeed different from the past. In the present if we want to be smart and a great person or want to occupy high positions in companies, we must be diligent and persevering. Women in the present have such properties so that they can become a successful women.

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